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서울대학교 전기화학연구실

2022 Articles

12 Iontronic analog of synaptic plasticity: Hydrogel-based ionic diode with chemical precipitation and dissolution Seok Hee Han, Sung Il Kim, Min-Ah Oh, Taek Dong Chung* Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 120(1), e2211442120 (2022)
11 Editorial Overview: Physical and Nano Electrochemistry 2022 Electrochemistry as a means and a goal Taek Dong Chung Curr. Opin. Electrochem. 36, 101126 (2022)
10 Iontronics: aqueous ion-based engineering for bioinspired functionalities and applications Seok Hee Han, Min-Ah Oh, Taek Dong Chung* Chem. Phys. Rev. 3(3) (2022) Featured article, Scilight article
9 Anodic deposition of highly efficient nickel iron oxide electrocatalysts for water oxidation and role of anions in catalyst deposition Jihye Lee, Dae-Woong Hwang, Wonkyung Cho, Daye Seo, Sunghwan Won, Taek Dong Chung* Electrochim. Acta 424, 140607 (2022)
8 A Unified Synthetic Strategy to Introduce Heteroatoms via Electrochemical Functionalization of Alkyl Organoboron Reagents Su Yong Go, Hyunho Chung, Samuel Jaeho Shin, Sohee An, Ju Hyun Youn, Tae Yeong Im, Ji Yong Kim, Taek Dong Chung*, and Hong Geun Lee* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144(20), 9149-9160 (2022)
7 Recent advances in electroanalytical methods for electroorganic synthesis Samuel Jaeho Shin, Ji Yong Kim, Sohee An, Taek Dong Chung* Curr. Opin. Electrochem. 35, 101054 (2022)
6 Reverse electrodialysis for emerging applications Song Yi Yeon, Jihun Rho, Yunju Kim, Taek Dong Chung* Bull. Korean. Chem. Soc. 43(6), 769-776 (2022)
5 Paper-based electrochromic glucose sensor with polyaniline on indium tin oxide nanoparticle layer as the optical readout Song Yi Yeon, Minjee Seo, Yunju Kim, Hyukhun Hong, Taek Dong Chung* Biosens. Bioelectron. 203, 114002 (2022)
4 Heterogeneous electron transfer reorganization energy at the inner Helmholtz plane in a polybromide redox-active ionic liquid Moonjoo Kim, Sangmee Park, Taek Dong Chung* Chem. Sci. 13(30), 8821-8828 (2022)
3 Revisiting thin-layer electrochemistry in a chip-type cell for the study of electroorganic reactions Samuel Jaeho Shin, Ji Yong Kim, Sohee An, Moonjoo Kim, Minjee Seo, Su Yong Go, Hyunho Chung, MinKeun Lee, Min-Gyeong Kim, Hong Geun Lee, Taek Dong Chung* Anal. Chem. 94(2), 1248-1255 (2022)
2 Direct electrodeposition of various metal nanocrystals on silicon oxide dielectric layer and insights into electrochemical behavior Samuel Jaeho Shin, Sohee An, Sul Lee, Jae Gyeong Lee, Taek Dong Chung* Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 43(2), 227-231 (2022)
1 Adopting back reduction current as an additional output signal for achieving photoelectrochemical differentiated detection Daye Seo, Sunghwan Won, Ji Tae Kim, Taek Dong Chung* Anal. Chem. 94(4), 2063-2071 (2022)